pf : No need to consider any trees on fewer than 3 vertices (WHY?). If the radius of the
tree on n ≥ 3 vertices is one, then there is a vertex with eccentricity 1, which means it is
connected to all other points. Claim: this center is unique. Assume otherwise, then another
point is connected to all other points as well, including the known center. Taking an edge
from this point to the known center, another edge out to a third distinct point, and finally
an edge back to this point gives a cycle. That contradicts that this graph is a tree.
Now let T be a tree with radius r > 1. Remove all vertices of degree 1 and their associated
edges. This creates a graph of radius r − 1, which we can assume by induction has either 1
or 2 centers, which would obviously be the centers T.
[1] 9.1 Introduction to Trees ,Available: click_me
[1] 9.1 Introduction to Trees ,Available: click_me
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